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Florence is reducing the number of cancelled operations

Date posted: 27 Jun 2014

High blood pressure, otherwise known as Hypertension is a common cause of cancelled operations. Nottingham CCG are using Florence to assess pre-op patients for Hypertension in an effort to identify White Coat Syndrome and reduce the number cancelled operations.

They say they’ve already saved 33 operations.

When pre-op patients are identified as hypertensive, they are introduced to Florence and instructed to take their blood pressure readings twice a day whilst at home and text the results to Florence.

Those whose blood pressure readings start to fall once at home are clear to go ahead with their planned operation.

Patients that retain high readings whilst at home are referred back to their GP and operations often cancelled.

Cancelled operations result in a waste of time and resources for hospitals and it causes inconvenience and distress for patients. Identifying false hypertension avoids these problems and improves patient experience.